Uses of Class

Packages that use ConversationContext
org.bukkit.conversations Classes dedicated to facilitate direct player-to-plugin communication. 

Uses of ConversationContext in org.bukkit.conversations

Fields in org.bukkit.conversations declared as ConversationContext
protected  ConversationContext Conversation.context

Methods in org.bukkit.conversations that return ConversationContext
 ConversationContext ConversationAbandonedEvent.getContext()
          Gets the abandoned conversation's conversation context.
 ConversationContext Conversation.getContext()
          Returns the Conversation's ConversationContext.

Methods in org.bukkit.conversations with parameters of type ConversationContext
 Prompt Prompt.acceptInput(ConversationContext context, String input)
          Accepts and processes input from the user.
 Prompt MessagePrompt.acceptInput(ConversationContext context, String input)
          Accepts and ignores any user input, returning the next prompt in the prompt graph instead.
 Prompt ValidatingPrompt.acceptInput(ConversationContext context, String input)
          Accepts and processes input from the user and validates it.
protected abstract  Prompt BooleanPrompt.acceptValidatedInput(ConversationContext context, boolean input)
          Override this method to perform some action with the user's boolean response.
protected abstract  Prompt NumericPrompt.acceptValidatedInput(ConversationContext context, Number input)
          Override this method to perform some action with the user's integer response.
protected abstract  Prompt PlayerNamePrompt.acceptValidatedInput(ConversationContext context, Player input)
          Override this method to perform some action with the user's player name response.
protected  Prompt PlayerNamePrompt.acceptValidatedInput(ConversationContext context, String input)
protected  Prompt BooleanPrompt.acceptValidatedInput(ConversationContext context, String input)
protected abstract  Prompt ValidatingPrompt.acceptValidatedInput(ConversationContext context, String input)
          Override this method to accept and processes the validated input from the user.
protected  Prompt NumericPrompt.acceptValidatedInput(ConversationContext context, String input)
 boolean StringPrompt.blocksForInput(ConversationContext context)
          Ensures that the prompt waits for the user to provide input.
 boolean Prompt.blocksForInput(ConversationContext context)
          Checks to see if this prompt implementation should wait for user input or immediately display the next prompt.
 boolean MessagePrompt.blocksForInput(ConversationContext context)
          Message prompts never wait for user input before continuing.
 boolean ValidatingPrompt.blocksForInput(ConversationContext context)
          Ensures that the prompt waits for the user to provide input.
 boolean ManuallyAbandonedConversationCanceller.cancelBasedOnInput(ConversationContext context, String input)
 boolean ExactMatchConversationCanceller.cancelBasedOnInput(ConversationContext context, String input)
 boolean ConversationCanceller.cancelBasedOnInput(ConversationContext context, String input)
          Cancels a conversation based on user input.
 boolean InactivityConversationCanceller.cancelBasedOnInput(ConversationContext context, String input)
protected  String NumericPrompt.getFailedValidationText(ConversationContext context, Number invalidInput)
          Optionally override this method to display an additional message if the user enters an invalid numeric input.
protected  String ValidatingPrompt.getFailedValidationText(ConversationContext context, String invalidInput)
          Optionally override this method to display an additional message if the user enters an invalid input.
protected  String NumericPrompt.getFailedValidationText(ConversationContext context, String invalidInput)
protected  String NumericPrompt.getInputNotNumericText(ConversationContext context, String invalidInput)
          Optionally override this method to display an additional message if the user enters an invalid number.
protected abstract  Prompt MessagePrompt.getNextPrompt(ConversationContext context)
          Override this method to return the next prompt in the prompt graph.
 String PluginNameConversationPrefix.getPrefix(ConversationContext context)
          Prepends each conversation message with the plugin name.
 String NullConversationPrefix.getPrefix(ConversationContext context)
          Prepends each conversation message with an empty string.
 String ConversationPrefix.getPrefix(ConversationContext context)
          Gets the prefix to use before each message to the player.
 String Prompt.getPromptText(ConversationContext context)
          Gets the text to display to the user when this prompt is first presented.
protected  boolean PlayerNamePrompt.isInputValid(ConversationContext context, String input)
protected  boolean BooleanPrompt.isInputValid(ConversationContext context, String input)
protected abstract  boolean ValidatingPrompt.isInputValid(ConversationContext context, String input)
          Override this method to check the validity of the player's input.
protected  boolean FixedSetPrompt.isInputValid(ConversationContext context, String input)
protected  boolean RegexPrompt.isInputValid(ConversationContext context, String input)
protected  boolean NumericPrompt.isInputValid(ConversationContext context, String input)
protected  boolean NumericPrompt.isNumberValid(ConversationContext context, Number input)
          Override this method to do further validation on the numeric player input after the input has been determined to actually be a number.

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