Interface Firework

All Superinterfaces:
Entity, Metadatable

public interface Firework
extends Entity

Method Summary
 void detonate()
          Cause this firework to explode at earliest opportunity, as if it has no remaining fuse.
 FireworkMeta getFireworkMeta()
          Get a copy of the fireworks meta
 void setFireworkMeta(FireworkMeta meta)
          Apply the provided meta to the fireworks
Methods inherited from interface org.bukkit.entity.Entity
eject, getEntityId, getFallDistance, getFireTicks, getLastDamageCause, getLocation, getLocation, getMaxFireTicks, getNearbyEntities, getPassenger, getServer, getTicksLived, getType, getUniqueId, getVehicle, getVelocity, getWorld, isDead, isEmpty, isInsideVehicle, isOnGround, isValid, leaveVehicle, playEffect, remove, setFallDistance, setFireTicks, setLastDamageCause, setPassenger, setTicksLived, setVelocity, teleport, teleport, teleport, teleport
Methods inherited from interface org.bukkit.metadata.Metadatable
getMetadata, hasMetadata, removeMetadata, setMetadata

Method Detail


FireworkMeta getFireworkMeta()
Get a copy of the fireworks meta

A copy of the current Firework meta


void setFireworkMeta(FireworkMeta meta)
Apply the provided meta to the fireworks

meta - The FireworkMeta to apply


void detonate()
Cause this firework to explode at earliest opportunity, as if it has no remaining fuse.

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