Interface Player

All Superinterfaces:
AnimalTamer, CommandSender, ConfigurationSerializable, Conversable, Damageable, Entity, HumanEntity, InventoryHolder, LivingEntity, Metadatable, OfflinePlayer, Permissible, PluginMessageRecipient, ProjectileSource, ServerOperator

public interface Player
extends HumanEntity, Conversable, CommandSender, OfflinePlayer, PluginMessageRecipient

Represents a player, connected or not

Method Summary
 void awardAchievement(Achievement achievement)
          Awards the given achievement and any parent achievements that the player does not have.
 boolean canSee(Player player)
          Checks to see if a player has been hidden from this player
 void chat(String msg)
          Says a message (or runs a command).
 void decrementStatistic(Statistic statistic)
          Decrements the given statistic for this player.
 void decrementStatistic(Statistic statistic, EntityType entityType)
          Decrements the given statistic for this player for the given entity.
 void decrementStatistic(Statistic statistic, EntityType entityType, int amount)
          Decrements the given statistic for this player for the given entity.
 void decrementStatistic(Statistic statistic, int amount)
          Decrements the given statistic for this player.
 void decrementStatistic(Statistic statistic, Material material)
          Decrements the given statistic for this player for the given material.
 void decrementStatistic(Statistic statistic, Material material, int amount)
          Decrements the given statistic for this player for the given material.
 InetSocketAddress getAddress()
          Gets the socket address of this player
 boolean getAllowFlight()
          Determines if the Player is allowed to fly via jump key double-tap like in creative mode.
 Location getBedSpawnLocation()
          Gets the Location where the player will spawn at their bed, null if they have not slept in one or their current bed spawn is invalid.
 Location getCompassTarget()
          Get the previously set compass target.
 String getDisplayName()
          Gets the "friendly" name to display of this player.
 float getExhaustion()
          Gets the players current exhaustion level.
 float getExp()
          Gets the players current experience points towards the next level.
 float getFlySpeed()
          Gets the current allowed speed that a client can fly.
 int getFoodLevel()
          Gets the players current food level
 double getHealthScale()
          Gets the number that health is scaled to for the client.
 int getLevel()
          Gets the players current experience level
 String getPlayerListName()
          Gets the name that is shown on the player list.
 long getPlayerTime()
          Returns the player's current timestamp.
 long getPlayerTimeOffset()
          Returns the player's current time offset relative to server time, or the current player's fixed time if the player's time is absolute.
 WeatherType getPlayerWeather()
          Returns the type of weather the player is currently experiencing.
 float getSaturation()
          Gets the players current saturation level.
 Scoreboard getScoreboard()
          Gets the Scoreboard displayed to this player
 int getStatistic(Statistic statistic)
          Gets the value of the given statistic for this player.
 int getStatistic(Statistic statistic, EntityType entityType)
          Gets the value of the given statistic for this player.
 int getStatistic(Statistic statistic, Material material)
          Gets the value of the given statistic for this player.
 int getTotalExperience()
          Gets the players total experience points
 float getWalkSpeed()
          Gets the current allowed speed that a client can walk.
 void giveExp(int amount)
          Gives the player the amount of experience specified.
 void giveExpLevels(int amount)
          Gives the player the amount of experience levels specified.
 boolean hasAchievement(Achievement achievement)
          Gets whether this player has the given achievement.
 void hidePlayer(Player player)
          Hides a player from this player
 void incrementStatistic(Statistic statistic)
          Increments the given statistic for this player.
 void incrementStatistic(Statistic statistic, EntityType entityType)
          Increments the given statistic for this player for the given entity.
 void incrementStatistic(Statistic statistic, EntityType entityType, int amount)
          Increments the given statistic for this player for the given entity.
 void incrementStatistic(Statistic statistic, int amount)
          Increments the given statistic for this player.
 void incrementStatistic(Statistic statistic, Material material)
          Increments the given statistic for this player for the given material.
 void incrementStatistic(Statistic statistic, Material material, int amount)
          Increments the given statistic for this player for the given material.
 boolean isFlying()
          Checks to see if this player is currently flying or not.
 boolean isHealthScaled()
          Gets if the client is displayed a 'scaled' health, that is, health on a scale from 0-getHealthScale().
 boolean isOnGround()
          Deprecated. Inconsistent with Entity.isOnGround()
 boolean isPlayerTimeRelative()
          Returns true if the player's time is relative to the server time, otherwise the player's time is absolute and will not change its current time unless done so with setPlayerTime().
 boolean isSleepingIgnored()
          Returns whether the player is sleeping ignored.
 boolean isSneaking()
          Returns if the player is in sneak mode
 boolean isSprinting()
          Gets whether the player is sprinting or not.
 void kickPlayer(String message)
          Kicks player with custom kick message.
 void loadData()
          Loads the players current location, health, inventory, motion, and other information from the username.dat file, in the world/player folder.
 boolean performCommand(String command)
          Makes the player perform the given command
 void playEffect(Location loc, Effect effect, int data)
          Deprecated. Magic value
<T> void
playEffect(Location loc, Effect effect, T data)
          Plays an effect to just this player.
 void playNote(Location loc, byte instrument, byte note)
          Deprecated. Magic value
 void playNote(Location loc, Instrument instrument, Note note)
          Play a note for a player at a location.
 void playSound(Location location, Sound sound, float volume, float pitch)
          Play a sound for a player at the location.
 void playSound(Location location, String sound, float volume, float pitch)
          Deprecated. Magic value
 void removeAchievement(Achievement achievement)
          Removes the given achievement and any children achievements that the player has.
 void resetPlayerTime()
          Restores the normal condition where the player's time is synchronized with the server time.
 void resetPlayerWeather()
          Restores the normal condition where the player's weather is controlled by server conditions.
 void saveData()
          Saves the players current location, health, inventory, motion, and other information into the username.dat file, in the world/player folder
 void sendBlockChange(Location loc, int material, byte data)
          Deprecated. Magic value
 void sendBlockChange(Location loc, Material material, byte data)
          Deprecated. Magic value
 boolean sendChunkChange(Location loc, int sx, int sy, int sz, byte[] data)
          Deprecated. Magic value
 void sendMap(MapView map)
          Render a map and send it to the player in its entirety.
 void sendRawMessage(String message)
          Sends this sender a message raw
 void sendSignChange(Location loc, String[] lines)
          Send a sign change.
 void setAllowFlight(boolean flight)
          Sets if the Player is allowed to fly via jump key double-tap like in creative mode.
 void setBedSpawnLocation(Location location)
          Sets the Location where the player will spawn at their bed.
 void setBedSpawnLocation(Location location, boolean force)
          Sets the Location where the player will spawn at their bed.
 void setCompassTarget(Location loc)
          Set the target of the player's compass.
 void setDisplayName(String name)
          Sets the "friendly" name to display of this player.
 void setExhaustion(float value)
          Sets the players current exhaustion level
 void setExp(float exp)
          Sets the players current experience points towards the next level
 void setFlying(boolean value)
          Makes this player start or stop flying.
 void setFlySpeed(float value)
          Sets the speed at which a client will fly.
 void setFoodLevel(int value)
          Sets the players current food level
 void setHealthScale(double scale)
          Sets the number to scale health to for the client; this will also setHealthScaled(true).
 void setHealthScaled(boolean scale)
          Sets if the client is displayed a 'scaled' health, that is, health on a scale from 0-getHealthScale().
 void setLevel(int level)
          Sets the players current experience level
 void setPlayerListName(String name)
          Sets the name that is shown on the in-game player list.
 void setPlayerTime(long time, boolean relative)
          Sets the current time on the player's client.
 void setPlayerWeather(WeatherType type)
          Sets the type of weather the player will see.
 void setResourcePack(String url)
          Request that the player's client download and switch resource packs.
 void setSaturation(float value)
          Sets the players current saturation level
 void setScoreboard(Scoreboard scoreboard)
          Sets the player's visible Scoreboard.
 void setSleepingIgnored(boolean isSleeping)
          Sets whether the player is ignored as not sleeping.
 void setSneaking(boolean sneak)
          Sets the sneak mode the player
 void setSprinting(boolean sprinting)
          Sets whether the player is sprinting or not.
 void setStatistic(Statistic statistic, EntityType entityType, int newValue)
          Sets the given statistic for this player for the given entity.
 void setStatistic(Statistic statistic, int newValue)
          Sets the given statistic for this player.
 void setStatistic(Statistic statistic, Material material, int newValue)
          Sets the given statistic for this player for the given material.
 void setTexturePack(String url)
          Deprecated. Minecraft no longer uses textures packs. Instead you should use setResourcePack(String).
 void setTotalExperience(int exp)
          Sets the players current experience level
 void setWalkSpeed(float value)
          Sets the speed at which a client will walk.
 void showPlayer(Player player)
          Allows this player to see a player that was previously hidden
 void updateInventory()
          Deprecated. This method should not be relied upon as it is a temporary work-around for a larger, more complicated issue.
Methods inherited from interface org.bukkit.entity.HumanEntity
closeInventory, getEnderChest, getExpToLevel, getGameMode, getInventory, getItemInHand, getItemOnCursor, getName, getOpenInventory, getSleepTicks, isBlocking, isSleeping, openEnchanting, openInventory, openInventory, openWorkbench, setGameMode, setItemInHand, setItemOnCursor, setWindowProperty
Methods inherited from interface org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity
_INVALID_getLastDamage, _INVALID_setLastDamage, addPotionEffect, addPotionEffect, addPotionEffects, getActivePotionEffects, getCanPickupItems, getCustomName, getEquipment, getEyeHeight, getEyeHeight, getEyeLocation, getKiller, getLastDamage, getLastTwoTargetBlocks, getLeashHolder, getLineOfSight, getMaximumAir, getMaximumNoDamageTicks, getNoDamageTicks, getRemainingAir, getRemoveWhenFarAway, getTargetBlock, hasLineOfSight, hasPotionEffect, isCustomNameVisible, isLeashed, removePotionEffect, setCanPickupItems, setCustomName, setCustomNameVisible, setLastDamage, setLeashHolder, setMaximumAir, setMaximumNoDamageTicks, setNoDamageTicks, setRemainingAir, setRemoveWhenFarAway, shootArrow, throwEgg, throwSnowball
Methods inherited from interface org.bukkit.entity.Damageable
_INVALID_damage, _INVALID_damage, _INVALID_getHealth, _INVALID_getMaxHealth, _INVALID_setHealth, _INVALID_setMaxHealth, damage, damage, getHealth, getMaxHealth, resetMaxHealth, setHealth, setMaxHealth
Methods inherited from interface org.bukkit.entity.Entity
eject, getEntityId, getFallDistance, getFireTicks, getLastDamageCause, getLocation, getLocation, getMaxFireTicks, getNearbyEntities, getPassenger, getServer, getTicksLived, getType, getUniqueId, getVehicle, getVelocity, getWorld, isDead, isEmpty, isInsideVehicle, isValid, leaveVehicle, playEffect, remove, setFallDistance, setFireTicks, setLastDamageCause, setPassenger, setTicksLived, setVelocity, teleport, teleport, teleport, teleport
Methods inherited from interface org.bukkit.metadata.Metadatable
getMetadata, hasMetadata, removeMetadata, setMetadata
Methods inherited from interface org.bukkit.projectiles.ProjectileSource
launchProjectile, launchProjectile
Methods inherited from interface org.bukkit.conversations.Conversable
abandonConversation, abandonConversation, acceptConversationInput, beginConversation, isConversing
Methods inherited from interface org.bukkit.command.CommandSender
getName, getServer, sendMessage, sendMessage
Methods inherited from interface org.bukkit.permissions.Permissible
addAttachment, addAttachment, addAttachment, addAttachment, getEffectivePermissions, hasPermission, hasPermission, isPermissionSet, isPermissionSet, recalculatePermissions, removeAttachment
Methods inherited from interface org.bukkit.permissions.ServerOperator
isOp, setOp
Methods inherited from interface org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer
getFirstPlayed, getLastPlayed, getName, getPlayer, getUniqueId, hasPlayedBefore, isBanned, isOnline, isWhitelisted, setBanned, setWhitelisted
Methods inherited from interface org.bukkit.configuration.serialization.ConfigurationSerializable
Methods inherited from interface org.bukkit.plugin.messaging.PluginMessageRecipient
getListeningPluginChannels, sendPluginMessage

Method Detail


String getDisplayName()
Gets the "friendly" name to display of this player. This may include color.

Note that this name will not be displayed in game, only in chat and places defined by plugins.

the friendly name


void setDisplayName(String name)
Sets the "friendly" name to display of this player. This may include color.

Note that this name will not be displayed in game, only in chat and places defined by plugins.

name - The new display name.


String getPlayerListName()
Gets the name that is shown on the player list.

the player list name


void setPlayerListName(String name)
Sets the name that is shown on the in-game player list.

The name cannot be longer than 16 characters, but ChatColor is supported.

If the value is null, the name will be identical to HumanEntity.getName().

This name is case sensitive and unique, two names with different casing will appear as two different people. If a player joins afterwards with a name that conflicts with a player's custom list name, the joining player's player list name will have a random number appended to it (1-2 characters long in the default implementation). If the joining player's name is 15 or 16 characters long, part of the name will be truncated at the end to allow the addition of the two digits.

name - new player list name
IllegalArgumentException - if the name is already used by someone else
IllegalArgumentException - if the length of the name is too long


void setCompassTarget(Location loc)
Set the target of the player's compass.

loc - Location to point to


Location getCompassTarget()
Get the previously set compass target.

location of the target


InetSocketAddress getAddress()
Gets the socket address of this player

the player's address


void sendRawMessage(String message)
Sends this sender a message raw

Specified by:
sendRawMessage in interface Conversable
message - Message to be displayed


void kickPlayer(String message)
Kicks player with custom kick message.

message - kick message


void chat(String msg)
Says a message (or runs a command).

msg - message to print


boolean performCommand(String command)
Makes the player perform the given command

command - Command to perform
true if the command was successful, otherwise false


boolean isSneaking()
Returns if the player is in sneak mode

true if player is in sneak mode


void setSneaking(boolean sneak)
Sets the sneak mode the player

sneak - true if player should appear sneaking


boolean isSprinting()
Gets whether the player is sprinting or not.

true if player is sprinting.


void setSprinting(boolean sprinting)
Sets whether the player is sprinting or not.

sprinting - true if the player should be sprinting


void saveData()
Saves the players current location, health, inventory, motion, and other information into the username.dat file, in the world/player folder


void loadData()
Loads the players current location, health, inventory, motion, and other information from the username.dat file, in the world/player folder.

Note: This will overwrite the players current inventory, health, motion, etc, with the state from the saved dat file.


void setSleepingIgnored(boolean isSleeping)
Sets whether the player is ignored as not sleeping. If everyone is either sleeping or has this flag set, then time will advance to the next day. If everyone has this flag set but no one is actually in bed, then nothing will happen.

isSleeping - Whether to ignore.


boolean isSleepingIgnored()
Returns whether the player is sleeping ignored.

Whether player is ignoring sleep.


void playNote(Location loc,
                         byte instrument,
                         byte note)
Deprecated. Magic value

Play a note for a player at a location. This requires a note block at the particular location (as far as the client is concerned). This will not work without a note block. This will not work with cake.

loc - The location of a note block.
instrument - The instrument ID.
note - The note ID.


void playNote(Location loc,
              Instrument instrument,
              Note note)
Play a note for a player at a location. This requires a note block at the particular location (as far as the client is concerned). This will not work without a note block. This will not work with cake.

loc - The location of a note block
instrument - The instrument
note - The note


void playSound(Location location,
               Sound sound,
               float volume,
               float pitch)
Play a sound for a player at the location.

This function will fail silently if Location or Sound are null.

location - The location to play the sound
sound - The sound to play
volume - The volume of the sound
pitch - The pitch of the sound


void playSound(Location location,
                          String sound,
                          float volume,
                          float pitch)
Deprecated. Magic value

Play a sound for a player at the location.

This function will fail silently if Location or Sound are null. No sound will be heard by the player if their client does not have the respective sound for the value passed.

location - the location to play the sound
sound - the internal sound name to play
volume - the volume of the sound
pitch - the pitch of the sound


void playEffect(Location loc,
                           Effect effect,
                           int data)
Deprecated. Magic value

Plays an effect to just this player.

loc - the location to play the effect at
effect - the Effect
data - a data bit needed for some effects


<T> void playEffect(Location loc,
                    Effect effect,
                    T data)
Plays an effect to just this player.

loc - the location to play the effect at
effect - the Effect
data - a data bit needed for some effects


void sendBlockChange(Location loc,
                                Material material,
                                byte data)
Deprecated. Magic value

Send a block change. This fakes a block change packet for a user at a certain location. This will not actually change the world in any way.

loc - The location of the changed block
material - The new block
data - The block data


boolean sendChunkChange(Location loc,
                                   int sx,
                                   int sy,
                                   int sz,
                                   byte[] data)
Deprecated. Magic value

Send a chunk change. This fakes a chunk change packet for a user at a certain location. The updated cuboid must be entirely within a single chunk. This will not actually change the world in any way.

At least one of the dimensions of the cuboid must be even. The size of the data buffer must be 2.5*sx*sy*sz and formatted in accordance with the Packet51 format.

loc - The location of the cuboid
sx - The x size of the cuboid
sy - The y size of the cuboid
sz - The z size of the cuboid
data - The data to be sent
true if the chunk change packet was sent


void sendBlockChange(Location loc,
                                int material,
                                byte data)
Deprecated. Magic value

Send a block change. This fakes a block change packet for a user at a certain location. This will not actually change the world in any way.

loc - The location of the changed block
material - The new block ID
data - The block data


void sendSignChange(Location loc,
                    String[] lines)
                    throws IllegalArgumentException
Send a sign change. This fakes a sign change packet for a user at a certain location. This will not actually change the world in any way. This method will use a sign at the location's block or a faked sign sent via sendBlockChange(org.bukkit.Location, int, byte) or sendBlockChange(org.bukkit.Location, org.bukkit.Material, byte).

If the client does not have a sign at the given location it will display an error message to the user.

loc - the location of the sign
lines - the new text on the sign or null to clear it
IllegalArgumentException - if location is null
IllegalArgumentException - if lines is non-null and has a length less than 4


void sendMap(MapView map)
Render a map and send it to the player in its entirety. This may be used when streaming the map in the normal manner is not desirable.

map - The map to be sent


void updateInventory()
Deprecated. This method should not be relied upon as it is a temporary work-around for a larger, more complicated issue.

Forces an update of the player's entire inventory.


void awardAchievement(Achievement achievement)
Awards the given achievement and any parent achievements that the player does not have.

achievement - Achievement to award
IllegalArgumentException - if achievement is null


void removeAchievement(Achievement achievement)
Removes the given achievement and any children achievements that the player has.

achievement - Achievement to remove
IllegalArgumentException - if achievement is null


boolean hasAchievement(Achievement achievement)
Gets whether this player has the given achievement.

whether the player has the achievement
IllegalArgumentException - if achievement is null


void incrementStatistic(Statistic statistic)
                        throws IllegalArgumentException
Increments the given statistic for this player.

This is equivalent to the following code: incrementStatistic(Statistic, 1)

statistic - Statistic to increment
IllegalArgumentException - if statistic is null
IllegalArgumentException - if the statistic requires an additional parameter


void decrementStatistic(Statistic statistic)
                        throws IllegalArgumentException
Decrements the given statistic for this player.

This is equivalent to the following code: decrementStatistic(Statistic, 1)

statistic - Statistic to decrement
IllegalArgumentException - if statistic is null
IllegalArgumentException - if the statistic requires an additional parameter


void incrementStatistic(Statistic statistic,
                        int amount)
                        throws IllegalArgumentException
Increments the given statistic for this player.

statistic - Statistic to increment
amount - Amount to increment this statistic by
IllegalArgumentException - if statistic is null
IllegalArgumentException - if amount is negative
IllegalArgumentException - if the statistic requires an additional parameter


void decrementStatistic(Statistic statistic,
                        int amount)
                        throws IllegalArgumentException
Decrements the given statistic for this player.

statistic - Statistic to decrement
amount - Amount to decrement this statistic by
IllegalArgumentException - if statistic is null
IllegalArgumentException - if amount is negative
IllegalArgumentException - if the statistic requires an additional parameter


void setStatistic(Statistic statistic,
                  int newValue)
                  throws IllegalArgumentException
Sets the given statistic for this player.

statistic - Statistic to set
newValue - The value to set this statistic to
IllegalArgumentException - if statistic is null
IllegalArgumentException - if newValue is negative
IllegalArgumentException - if the statistic requires an additional parameter


int getStatistic(Statistic statistic)
                 throws IllegalArgumentException
Gets the value of the given statistic for this player.

statistic - Statistic to check
the value of the given statistic
IllegalArgumentException - if statistic is null
IllegalArgumentException - if the statistic requires an additional parameter


void incrementStatistic(Statistic statistic,
                        Material material)
                        throws IllegalArgumentException
Increments the given statistic for this player for the given material.

This is equivalent to the following code: incrementStatistic(Statistic, Material, 1)

statistic - Statistic to increment
material - Material to offset the statistic with
IllegalArgumentException - if statistic is null
IllegalArgumentException - if material is null
IllegalArgumentException - if the given parameter is not valid for the statistic


void decrementStatistic(Statistic statistic,
                        Material material)
                        throws IllegalArgumentException
Decrements the given statistic for this player for the given material.

This is equivalent to the following code: decrementStatistic(Statistic, Material, 1)

statistic - Statistic to decrement
material - Material to offset the statistic with
IllegalArgumentException - if statistic is null
IllegalArgumentException - if material is null
IllegalArgumentException - if the given parameter is not valid for the statistic


int getStatistic(Statistic statistic,
                 Material material)
                 throws IllegalArgumentException
Gets the value of the given statistic for this player.

statistic - Statistic to check
material - Material offset of the statistic
the value of the given statistic
IllegalArgumentException - if statistic is null
IllegalArgumentException - if material is null
IllegalArgumentException - if the given parameter is not valid for the statistic


void incrementStatistic(Statistic statistic,
                        Material material,
                        int amount)
                        throws IllegalArgumentException
Increments the given statistic for this player for the given material.

statistic - Statistic to increment
material - Material to offset the statistic with
amount - Amount to increment this statistic by
IllegalArgumentException - if statistic is null
IllegalArgumentException - if material is null
IllegalArgumentException - if amount is negative
IllegalArgumentException - if the given parameter is not valid for the statistic


void decrementStatistic(Statistic statistic,
                        Material material,
                        int amount)
                        throws IllegalArgumentException
Decrements the given statistic for this player for the given material.

statistic - Statistic to decrement
material - Material to offset the statistic with
amount - Amount to decrement this statistic by
IllegalArgumentException - if statistic is null
IllegalArgumentException - if material is null
IllegalArgumentException - if amount is negative
IllegalArgumentException - if the given parameter is not valid for the statistic


void setStatistic(Statistic statistic,
                  Material material,
                  int newValue)
                  throws IllegalArgumentException
Sets the given statistic for this player for the given material.

statistic - Statistic to set
material - Material to offset the statistic with
newValue - The value to set this statistic to
IllegalArgumentException - if statistic is null
IllegalArgumentException - if material is null
IllegalArgumentException - if newValue is negative
IllegalArgumentException - if the given parameter is not valid for the statistic


void incrementStatistic(Statistic statistic,
                        EntityType entityType)
                        throws IllegalArgumentException
Increments the given statistic for this player for the given entity.

This is equivalent to the following code: incrementStatistic(Statistic, EntityType, 1)

statistic - Statistic to increment
entityType - EntityType to offset the statistic with
IllegalArgumentException - if statistic is null
IllegalArgumentException - if entityType is null
IllegalArgumentException - if the given parameter is not valid for the statistic


void decrementStatistic(Statistic statistic,
                        EntityType entityType)
                        throws IllegalArgumentException
Decrements the given statistic for this player for the given entity.

This is equivalent to the following code: decrementStatistic(Statistic, EntityType, 1)

statistic - Statistic to decrement
entityType - EntityType to offset the statistic with
IllegalArgumentException - if statistic is null
IllegalArgumentException - if entityType is null
IllegalArgumentException - if the given parameter is not valid for the statistic


int getStatistic(Statistic statistic,
                 EntityType entityType)
                 throws IllegalArgumentException
Gets the value of the given statistic for this player.

statistic - Statistic to check
entityType - EntityType offset of the statistic
the value of the given statistic
IllegalArgumentException - if statistic is null
IllegalArgumentException - if entityType is null
IllegalArgumentException - if the given parameter is not valid for the statistic


void incrementStatistic(Statistic statistic,
                        EntityType entityType,
                        int amount)
                        throws IllegalArgumentException
Increments the given statistic for this player for the given entity.

statistic - Statistic to increment
entityType - EntityType to offset the statistic with
amount - Amount to increment this statistic by
IllegalArgumentException - if statistic is null
IllegalArgumentException - if entityType is null
IllegalArgumentException - if amount is negative
IllegalArgumentException - if the given parameter is not valid for the statistic


void decrementStatistic(Statistic statistic,
                        EntityType entityType,
                        int amount)
Decrements the given statistic for this player for the given entity.

statistic - Statistic to decrement
entityType - EntityType to offset the statistic with
amount - Amount to decrement this statistic by
IllegalArgumentException - if statistic is null
IllegalArgumentException - if entityType is null
IllegalArgumentException - if amount is negative
IllegalArgumentException - if the given parameter is not valid for the statistic


void setStatistic(Statistic statistic,
                  EntityType entityType,
                  int newValue)
Sets the given statistic for this player for the given entity.

statistic - Statistic to set
entityType - EntityType to offset the statistic with
newValue - The value to set this statistic to
IllegalArgumentException - if statistic is null
IllegalArgumentException - if entityType is null
IllegalArgumentException - if newValue is negative
IllegalArgumentException - if the given parameter is not valid for the statistic


void setPlayerTime(long time,
                   boolean relative)
Sets the current time on the player's client. When relative is true the player's time will be kept synchronized to its world time with the specified offset.

When using non relative time the player's time will stay fixed at the specified time parameter. It's up to the caller to continue updating the player's time. To restore player time to normal use resetPlayerTime().

time - The current player's perceived time or the player's time offset from the server time.
relative - When true the player time is kept relative to its world time.


long getPlayerTime()
Returns the player's current timestamp.

The player's time


long getPlayerTimeOffset()
Returns the player's current time offset relative to server time, or the current player's fixed time if the player's time is absolute.

The player's time


boolean isPlayerTimeRelative()
Returns true if the player's time is relative to the server time, otherwise the player's time is absolute and will not change its current time unless done so with setPlayerTime().

true if the player's time is relative to the server time.


void resetPlayerTime()
Restores the normal condition where the player's time is synchronized with the server time.

Equivalent to calling setPlayerTime(0, true).


void setPlayerWeather(WeatherType type)
Sets the type of weather the player will see. When used, the weather status of the player is locked until resetPlayerWeather() is used.

type - The WeatherType enum type the player should experience


WeatherType getPlayerWeather()
Returns the type of weather the player is currently experiencing.

The WeatherType that the player is currently experiencing or null if player is seeing server weather.


void resetPlayerWeather()
Restores the normal condition where the player's weather is controlled by server conditions.


void giveExp(int amount)
Gives the player the amount of experience specified.

amount - Exp amount to give


void giveExpLevels(int amount)
Gives the player the amount of experience levels specified. Levels can be taken by specifying a negative amount.

amount - amount of experience levels to give or take


float getExp()
Gets the players current experience points towards the next level.

This is a percentage value. 0 is "no progress" and 1 is "next level".

Current experience points


void setExp(float exp)
Sets the players current experience points towards the next level

This is a percentage value. 0 is "no progress" and 1 is "next level".

exp - New experience points


int getLevel()
Gets the players current experience level

Current experience level


void setLevel(int level)
Sets the players current experience level

level - New experience level


int getTotalExperience()
Gets the players total experience points

Current total experience points


void setTotalExperience(int exp)
Sets the players current experience level

exp - New experience level


float getExhaustion()
Gets the players current exhaustion level.

Exhaustion controls how fast the food level drops. While you have a certain amount of exhaustion, your saturation will drop to zero, and then your food will drop to zero.

Exhaustion level


void setExhaustion(float value)
Sets the players current exhaustion level

value - Exhaustion level


float getSaturation()
Gets the players current saturation level.

Saturation is a buffer for food level. Your food level will not drop if you are saturated > 0.

Saturation level


void setSaturation(float value)
Sets the players current saturation level

value - Saturation level


int getFoodLevel()
Gets the players current food level

Food level


void setFoodLevel(int value)
Sets the players current food level

value - New food level


Location getBedSpawnLocation()
Gets the Location where the player will spawn at their bed, null if they have not slept in one or their current bed spawn is invalid.

Specified by:
getBedSpawnLocation in interface OfflinePlayer
Bed Spawn Location if bed exists, otherwise null.


void setBedSpawnLocation(Location location)
Sets the Location where the player will spawn at their bed.

location - where to set the respawn location


void setBedSpawnLocation(Location location,
                         boolean force)
Sets the Location where the player will spawn at their bed.

location - where to set the respawn location
force - whether to forcefully set the respawn location even if a valid bed is not present


boolean getAllowFlight()
Determines if the Player is allowed to fly via jump key double-tap like in creative mode.

True if the player is allowed to fly.


void setAllowFlight(boolean flight)
Sets if the Player is allowed to fly via jump key double-tap like in creative mode.

flight - If flight should be allowed.


void hidePlayer(Player player)
Hides a player from this player

player - Player to hide


void showPlayer(Player player)
Allows this player to see a player that was previously hidden

player - Player to show


boolean canSee(Player player)
Checks to see if a player has been hidden from this player

player - Player to check
True if the provided player is not being hidden from this player


boolean isOnGround()
Deprecated. Inconsistent with Entity.isOnGround()

Checks to see if this player is currently standing on a block. This information may not be reliable, as it is a state provided by the client, and may therefore not be accurate.

Specified by:
isOnGround in interface Entity
True if the player standing on a solid block, else false.


boolean isFlying()
Checks to see if this player is currently flying or not.

True if the player is flying, else false.


void setFlying(boolean value)
Makes this player start or stop flying.

value - True to fly.


void setFlySpeed(float value)
                 throws IllegalArgumentException
Sets the speed at which a client will fly. Negative values indicate reverse directions.

value - The new speed, from -1 to 1.
IllegalArgumentException - If new speed is less than -1 or greater than 1


void setWalkSpeed(float value)
                  throws IllegalArgumentException
Sets the speed at which a client will walk. Negative values indicate reverse directions.

value - The new speed, from -1 to 1.
IllegalArgumentException - If new speed is less than -1 or greater than 1


float getFlySpeed()
Gets the current allowed speed that a client can fly.

The current allowed speed, from -1 to 1


float getWalkSpeed()
Gets the current allowed speed that a client can walk.

The current allowed speed, from -1 to 1


void setTexturePack(String url)
Deprecated. Minecraft no longer uses textures packs. Instead you should use setResourcePack(String).

Request that the player's client download and switch texture packs.

The player's client will download the new texture pack asynchronously in the background, and will automatically switch to it once the download is complete. If the client has downloaded and cached the same texture pack in the past, it will perform a quick timestamp check over the network to determine if the texture pack has changed and needs to be downloaded again. When this request is sent for the very first time from a given server, the client will first display a confirmation GUI to the player before proceeding with the download.


url - The URL from which the client will download the texture pack. The string must contain only US-ASCII characters and should be encoded as per RFC 1738.
IllegalArgumentException - Thrown if the URL is null.
IllegalArgumentException - Thrown if the URL is too long.


void setResourcePack(String url)
Request that the player's client download and switch resource packs.

The player's client will download the new resource pack asynchronously in the background, and will automatically switch to it once the download is complete. If the client has downloaded and cached the same resource pack in the past, it will perform a quick timestamp check over the network to determine if the resource pack has changed and needs to be downloaded again. When this request is sent for the very first time from a given server, the client will first display a confirmation GUI to the player before proceeding with the download.


url - The URL from which the client will download the resource pack. The string must contain only US-ASCII characters and should be encoded as per RFC 1738.
IllegalArgumentException - Thrown if the URL is null.
IllegalArgumentException - Thrown if the URL is too long. The length restriction is an implementation specific arbitrary value.


Scoreboard getScoreboard()
Gets the Scoreboard displayed to this player

The current scoreboard seen by this player


void setScoreboard(Scoreboard scoreboard)
                   throws IllegalArgumentException,
Sets the player's visible Scoreboard.

scoreboard - New Scoreboard for the player
IllegalArgumentException - if scoreboard is null
IllegalArgumentException - if scoreboard was not created by the scoreboard manager
IllegalStateException - if this is a player that is not logged yet or has logged out


boolean isHealthScaled()
Gets if the client is displayed a 'scaled' health, that is, health on a scale from 0-getHealthScale().

if client health display is scaled
See Also:


void setHealthScaled(boolean scale)
Sets if the client is displayed a 'scaled' health, that is, health on a scale from 0-getHealthScale().

Displayed health follows a simple formula displayedHealth = getHealth() / getMaxHealth() * getHealthScale().

scale - if the client health display is scaled


void setHealthScale(double scale)
                    throws IllegalArgumentException
Sets the number to scale health to for the client; this will also setHealthScaled(true).

Displayed health follows a simple formula displayedHealth = getHealth() / getMaxHealth() * getHealthScale().

scale - the number to scale health to
IllegalArgumentException - if scale is <0
IllegalArgumentException - if scale is Double.NaN
IllegalArgumentException - if scale is too high


double getHealthScale()
Gets the number that health is scaled to for the client.

the number that health would be scaled to for the client if HealthScaling is set to true
See Also:
setHealthScale(double), setHealthScaled(boolean)

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