Uses of Interface

Packages that use LightningStrike
org.bukkit More generalized classes in the API. 
org.bukkit.event.entity Events relating to entities, excluding some directly referencing some more specific entity types. Events relating to weather. 

Uses of LightningStrike in org.bukkit

Methods in org.bukkit that return LightningStrike
 LightningStrike World.strikeLightning(Location loc)
          Strikes lightning at the given Location
 LightningStrike World.strikeLightningEffect(Location loc)
          Strikes lightning at the given Location without doing damage

Uses of LightningStrike in org.bukkit.event.entity

Methods in org.bukkit.event.entity that return LightningStrike
 LightningStrike PigZapEvent.getLightning()
          Gets the bolt which is striking the pig.
 LightningStrike CreeperPowerEvent.getLightning()
          Gets the lightning bolt which is striking the Creeper.

Constructors in org.bukkit.event.entity with parameters of type LightningStrike
CreeperPowerEvent(Creeper creeper, LightningStrike bolt, CreeperPowerEvent.PowerCause cause)
PigZapEvent(Pig pig, LightningStrike bolt, PigZombie pigzombie)

Uses of LightningStrike in

Methods in that return LightningStrike
 LightningStrike LightningStrikeEvent.getLightning()
          Gets the bolt which is striking the earth.

Constructors in with parameters of type LightningStrike
LightningStrikeEvent(World world, LightningStrike bolt)

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