001    package org.bukkit.block;
003    import java.util.Collection;
005    import org.bukkit.Chunk;
006    import org.bukkit.Material;
007    import org.bukkit.World;
008    import org.bukkit.Location;
009    import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
010    import org.bukkit.metadata.Metadatable;
012    /**
013     * Represents a block. This is a live object, and only one Block may exist for
014     * any given location in a world. The state of the block may change
015     * concurrently to your own handling of it; use block.getState() to get a
016     * snapshot state of a block which will not be modified.
017     */
018    public interface Block extends Metadatable {
020        /**
021         * Gets the metadata for this block
022         *
023         * @return block specific metadata
024         * @deprecated Magic value
025         */
026        @Deprecated
027        byte getData();
029        /**
030         * Gets the block at the given offsets
031         *
032         * @param modX X-coordinate offset
033         * @param modY Y-coordinate offset
034         * @param modZ Z-coordinate offset
035         * @return Block at the given offsets
036         */
037        Block getRelative(int modX, int modY, int modZ);
039        /**
040         * Gets the block at the given face
041         * <p>
042         * This method is equal to getRelative(face, 1)
043         *
044         * @param face Face of this block to return
045         * @return Block at the given face
046         * @see #getRelative(BlockFace, int)
047         */
048        Block getRelative(BlockFace face);
050        /**
051         * Gets the block at the given distance of the given face
052         * <p>
053         * For example, the following method places water at 100,102,100; two
054         * blocks above 100,100,100.
055         *
056         * <pre>
057         * Block block = world.getBlockAt(100, 100, 100);
058         * Block shower = block.getRelative(BlockFace.UP, 2);
059         * shower.setType(Material.WATER);
060         * </pre>
061         *
062         * @param face Face of this block to return
063         * @param distance Distance to get the block at
064         * @return Block at the given face
065         */
066        Block getRelative(BlockFace face, int distance);
068        /**
069         * Gets the type of this block
070         *
071         * @return block type
072         */
073        Material getType();
075        /**
076         * Gets the type-id of this block
077         *
078         * @return block type-id
079         * @deprecated Magic value
080         */
081        @Deprecated
082        int getTypeId();
084        /**
085         * Gets the light level between 0-15
086         *
087         * @return light level
088         */
089        byte getLightLevel();
091        /**
092         * Get the amount of light at this block from the sky.
093         * <p>
094         * Any light given from other sources (such as blocks like torches) will
095         * be ignored.
096         *
097         * @return Sky light level
098         */
099        byte getLightFromSky();
101        /**
102         * Get the amount of light at this block from nearby blocks.
103         * <p>
104         * Any light given from other sources (such as the sun) will be ignored.
105         *
106         * @return Block light level
107         */
108        byte getLightFromBlocks();
110        /**
111         * Gets the world which contains this Block
112         *
113         * @return World containing this block
114         */
115        World getWorld();
117        /**
118         * Gets the x-coordinate of this block
119         *
120         * @return x-coordinate
121         */
122        int getX();
124        /**
125         * Gets the y-coordinate of this block
126         *
127         * @return y-coordinate
128         */
129        int getY();
131        /**
132         * Gets the z-coordinate of this block
133         *
134         * @return z-coordinate
135         */
136        int getZ();
138        /**
139         * Gets the Location of the block
140         *
141         * @return Location of block
142         */
143        Location getLocation();
145        /**
146         * Stores the location of the block in the provided Location object.
147         * <p>
148         * If the provided Location is null this method does nothing and returns
149         * null.
150         *
151         * @return The Location object provided or null
152         */
153        Location getLocation(Location loc);
155        /**
156         * Gets the chunk which contains this block
157         *
158         * @return Containing Chunk
159         */
160        Chunk getChunk();
162        /**
163         * Sets the metadata for this block
164         *
165         * @param data New block specific metadata
166         * @deprecated Magic value
167         */
168        @Deprecated
169        void setData(byte data);
171        /**
172         * Sets the metadata for this block
173         *
174         * @param data New block specific metadata
175         * @param applyPhysics False to cancel physics from the changed block.
176         * @deprecated Magic value
177         */
178        @Deprecated
179        void setData(byte data, boolean applyPhysics);
181        /**
182         * Sets the type of this block
183         *
184         * @param type Material to change this block to
185         */
186        void setType(Material type);
188        /**
189         * Sets the type-id of this block
190         *
191         * @param type Type-Id to change this block to
192         * @return whether the block was changed
193         * @deprecated Magic value
194         */
195        @Deprecated
196        boolean setTypeId(int type);
198        /**
199         * Sets the type-id of this block
200         *
201         * @param type Type-Id to change this block to
202         * @param applyPhysics False to cancel physics on the changed block.
203         * @return whether the block was changed
204         * @deprecated Magic value
205         */
206        @Deprecated
207        boolean setTypeId(int type, boolean applyPhysics);
209        /**
210         * Sets the type-id of this block
211         *
212         * @param type Type-Id to change this block to
213         * @param data The data value to change this block to
214         * @param applyPhysics False to cancel physics on the changed block
215         * @return whether the block was changed
216         * @deprecated Magic value
217         */
218        @Deprecated
219        boolean setTypeIdAndData(int type, byte data, boolean applyPhysics);
221        /**
222         * Gets the face relation of this block compared to the given block
223         * <p>
224         * For example:
225         * <pre>
226         * Block current = world.getBlockAt(100, 100, 100);
227         * Block target = world.getBlockAt(100, 101, 100);
228         *
229         * current.getFace(target) == BlockFace.Up;
230         * </pre>
231         * <br />
232         * If the given block is not connected to this block, null may be returned
233         *
234         * @param block Block to compare against this block
235         * @return BlockFace of this block which has the requested block, or null
236         */
237        BlockFace getFace(Block block);
239        /**
240         * Captures the current state of this block. You may then cast that state
241         * into any accepted type, such as Furnace or Sign.
242         * <p>
243         * The returned object will never be updated, and you are not guaranteed
244         * that (for example) a sign is still a sign after you capture its state.
245         *
246         * @return BlockState with the current state of this block.
247         */
248        BlockState getState();
250        /**
251         * Returns the biome that this block resides in
252         *
253         * @return Biome type containing this block
254         */
255        Biome getBiome();
257        /**
258         * Sets the biome that this block resides in
259         *
260         * @param bio new Biome type for this block
261         */
262        void setBiome(Biome bio);
264        /**
265         * Returns true if the block is being powered by Redstone.
266         *
267         * @return True if the block is powered.
268         */
269        boolean isBlockPowered();
271        /**
272         * Returns true if the block is being indirectly powered by Redstone.
273         *
274         * @return True if the block is indirectly powered.
275         */
276        boolean isBlockIndirectlyPowered();
278        /**
279         * Returns true if the block face is being powered by Redstone.
280         *
281         * @param face The block face
282         * @return True if the block face is powered.
283         */
284        boolean isBlockFacePowered(BlockFace face);
286        /**
287         * Returns true if the block face is being indirectly powered by Redstone.
288         *
289         * @param face The block face
290         * @return True if the block face is indirectly powered.
291         */
292        boolean isBlockFaceIndirectlyPowered(BlockFace face);
294        /**
295         * Returns the redstone power being provided to this block face
296         *
297         * @param face the face of the block to query or BlockFace.SELF for the
298         *     block itself
299         * @return The power level.
300         */
301        int getBlockPower(BlockFace face);
303        /**
304         * Returns the redstone power being provided to this block
305         *
306         * @return The power level.
307         */
308        int getBlockPower();
310        /**
311         * Checks if this block is empty.
312         * <p>
313         * A block is considered empty when {@link #getType()} returns {@link
314         * Material#AIR}.
315         *
316         * @return true if this block is empty
317         */
318        boolean isEmpty();
320        /**
321         * Checks if this block is liquid.
322         * <p>
323         * A block is considered liquid when {@link #getType()} returns {@link
324         * Material#WATER}, {@link Material#STATIONARY_WATER}, {@link
325         * Material#LAVA} or {@link Material#STATIONARY_LAVA}.
326         *
327         * @return true if this block is liquid
328         */
329        boolean isLiquid();
331        /**
332         * Gets the temperature of the biome of this block
333         *
334         * @return Temperature of this block
335         */
336        double getTemperature();
338        /**
339         * Gets the humidity of the biome of this block
340         *
341         * @return Humidity of this block
342         */
343        double getHumidity();
345        /**
346         * Returns the reaction of the block when moved by a piston
347         *
348         * @return reaction
349         */
350        PistonMoveReaction getPistonMoveReaction();
352        /**
353         * Breaks the block and spawns items as if a player had digged it
354         *
355         * @return true if the block was destroyed
356         */
357        boolean breakNaturally();
359        /**
360         * Breaks the block and spawns items as if a player had digged it with a
361         * specific tool
362         *
363         * @param tool The tool or item in hand used for digging
364         * @return true if the block was destroyed
365         */
366        boolean breakNaturally(ItemStack tool);
368        /**
369         * Returns a list of items which would drop by destroying this block
370         *
371         * @return a list of dropped items for this type of block
372         */
373        Collection<ItemStack> getDrops();
375        /**
376         * Returns a list of items which would drop by destroying this block with
377         * a specific tool
378         *
379         * @param tool The tool or item in hand used for digging
380         * @return a list of dropped items for this type of block
381         */
382        Collection<ItemStack> getDrops(ItemStack tool);
384    }