001    package org.bukkit.command;
003    import java.util.List;
005    public interface CommandMap {
007        /**
008         * Registers all the commands belonging to a certain plugin.
009         * <p>
010         * Caller can use:-
011         * <ul>
012         * <li>command.getName() to determine the label registered for this
013         *     command
014         * <li>command.getAliases() to determine the aliases which where
015         *     registered
016         * </ul>
017         *
018         * @param fallbackPrefix a prefix which is prepended to each command with
019         *     a ':' one or more times to make the command unique
020         * @param commands a list of commands to register
021         */
022        public void registerAll(String fallbackPrefix, List<Command> commands);
024        /**
025         * Registers a command. Returns true on success; false if name is already
026         * taken and fallback had to be used.
027         * <p>
028         * Caller can use:-
029         * <ul>
030         * <li>command.getName() to determine the label registered for this
031         *     command
032         * <li>command.getAliases() to determine the aliases which where
033         *     registered
034         * </ul>
035         *
036         * @param label the label of the command, without the '/'-prefix.
037         * @param fallbackPrefix a prefix which is prepended to the command with a
038         *     ':' one or more times to make the command unique
039         * @param command the command to register
040         * @return true if command was registered with the passed in label, false
041         *     otherwise, which indicates the fallbackPrefix was used one or more
042         *     times
043         */
044        public boolean register(String label, String fallbackPrefix, Command command);
046        /**
047         * Registers a command. Returns true on success; false if name is already
048         * taken and fallback had to be used.
049         * <p>
050         * Caller can use:-
051         * <ul>
052         * <li>command.getName() to determine the label registered for this
053         *     command
054         * <li>command.getAliases() to determine the aliases which where
055         *     registered
056         * </ul>
057         *
058         * @param fallbackPrefix a prefix which is prepended to the command with a
059         *     ':' one or more times to make the command unique
060         * @param command the command to register, from which label is determined
061         *     from the command name
062         * @return true if command was registered with the passed in label, false
063         *     otherwise, which indicates the fallbackPrefix was used one or more
064         *     times
065         */
066        public boolean register(String fallbackPrefix, Command command);
068        /**
069         * Looks for the requested command and executes it if found.
070         *
071         * @param sender The command's sender
072         * @param cmdLine command + arguments. Example: "/test abc 123"
073         * @return returns false if no target is found, true otherwise.
074         * @throws CommandException Thrown when the executor for the given command
075         *     fails with an unhandled exception
076         */
077        public boolean dispatch(CommandSender sender, String cmdLine) throws CommandException;
079        /**
080         * Clears all registered commands.
081         */
082        public void clearCommands();
084        /**
085         * Gets the command registered to the specified name
086         *
087         * @param name Name of the command to retrieve
088         * @return Command with the specified name or null if a command with that
089         *     label doesn't exist
090         */
091        public Command getCommand(String name);
094        /**
095         * Looks for the requested command and executes an appropriate
096         * tab-completer if found. This method will also tab-complete partial
097         * commands.
098         *
099         * @param sender The command's sender.
100         * @param cmdLine The entire command string to tab-complete, excluding
101         *     initial slash.
102         * @return a list of possible tab-completions. This list may be immutable.
103         *     Will be null if no matching command of which sender has permission.
104         * @throws CommandException Thrown when the tab-completer for the given
105         *     command fails with an unhandled exception
106         * @throws IllegalArgumentException if either sender or cmdLine are null
107         */
108        public List<String> tabComplete(CommandSender sender, String cmdLine) throws IllegalArgumentException;
109    }