001    package org.bukkit.entity;
003    /**
004     * Represents a fishing hook.
005     */
006    public interface FishHook extends Projectile {
007        /**
008         * Gets the chance of a fish biting.
009         * <p>
010         * 0.0 = No Chance.<br>
011         * 1.0 = Instant catch.
012         *
013         * @return chance the bite chance
014         */
015        public double getBiteChance();
017        /**
018         * Sets the chance of a fish biting.
019         * <p>
020         * 0.0 = No Chance.<br>
021         * 1.0 = Instant catch.
022         *
023         * @param chance the bite chance
024         * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the bite chance is not between 0
025         *     and 1
026         */
027        public void setBiteChance(double chance) throws IllegalArgumentException;
028    }