001    package org.bukkit.event.block;
003    import org.bukkit.Material;
004    import org.bukkit.block.Block;
005    import org.bukkit.block.BlockFace;
006    import org.bukkit.event.Cancellable;
008    /**
009     * Called when a piston block is triggered
010     */
011    public abstract class BlockPistonEvent extends BlockEvent implements Cancellable {
012        private boolean cancelled;
013        private final BlockFace direction;
015        public BlockPistonEvent(final Block block, final BlockFace direction) {
016            super(block);
017            this.direction = direction;
018        }
020        public boolean isCancelled() {
021            return this.cancelled;
022        }
024        public void setCancelled(boolean cancelled) {
025            this.cancelled = cancelled;
026        }
028        /**
029         * Returns true if the Piston in the event is sticky.
030         *
031         * @return stickiness of the piston
032         */
033        public boolean isSticky() {
034            return block.getType() == Material.PISTON_STICKY_BASE;
035        }
037        /**
038         * Return the direction in which the piston will operate.
039         *
040         * @return direction of the piston
041         */
042        public BlockFace getDirection() {
043            // Both are meh!
044            // return ((PistonBaseMaterial) block.getType().getNewData(block.getData())).getFacing();
045            // return ((PistonBaseMaterial) block.getState().getData()).getFacing();
046            return direction;
047        }
048    }