package com.javaminecraft; import java.awt.*; class PointTester { public static void main(String[] arguments) { Point location1 = new Point(11,22); Point3D location2 = new Point3D(7,6,64); System.out.println("The 2D point is at (" + location1.x + ", " + location1.y + ")"); System.out.println("It’s being moved to (4, 13)"); location1.move(4,13); System.out.println("The 2D point is now at (" + location1.x + ", " + location1.y + ")"); System.out.println("It’s being moved -10 units on both the x " + "and y axes"); location1.translate(-10,-10); System.out.println("The 2D point ends up at (" + location1.x + ", " + location1.y + ")\n"); System.out.println("The 3D point is at (" + location2.x + ", " + location2.y + ", " + location2.z + ")"); System.out.println("It’s being moved to (10, 22, 71)"); location2.move(10,22,71); System.out.println("The 3D point is now at (" + location2.x + ", " + location2.y + ", " + location2.z + ")"); System.out.println("It’s being moved -20 units on the x, y " + "and z axes"); location2.translate(-20,-20,-20); System.out.println("The 3D point ends up at (" + location2.x + ", " + location2.y + ", " + location2.z + ")"); } }